2015-10-09 - Sprint 13 Review Meeting


Brylie Oxley

Illya Nizyev

Laura Ekman

Taija Björklund

Illya Nizyev

  • 149 Design communication channel between developers and API admins

  • In progress. The idea is not only to send feedback or messages, but also let other developers see feedback and feature requests.
  • There could potentially be a connection to API backlog.
  • Design will be uploaded to docs/design.
  • 471 Design API Rating field and widget

  • In progress.
  • Options: stars, up and down votes, thumbs up/down
  • Design will be uploaded to docs/design.
  • 482 Design API backlog

  • In progress.
  • Design will be uploaded to docs/design.
  • Add i18n support
  • tap-18n chosen and markup added to strings.
  • Remaining i18n support to be handled with a new task ()
  • 486 Add a link to Community portal from apinf.io

  • Closed. Link added to both apinf.io and Readme.
  • 427 Add or edit help text for the fields of Add API Backend form

  • In progress. All required help texts are listed in a document. The texts still need to be defined.

Brylie Oxley

  • 506 Upgrade packages, including Meteor 1.2

  • Extra task from the backlog.
  • PR open.
  • Illya still needs to check whether Bootstrap being commented out doesn't break anything.
  • Note also that Brylie installed a linter that automatically reviews code every time Meteor rebuilds itself.
  • 351 Add a method for selecting relevant Swagger file to Documentation browser

  • PR open.
  • Next step would be linking Swagger files and API backends.
  • 488 Document standards for API metadata

  • Closed.
  • 485 Create Getting started package for developers

  • Closed. Can be found from Apinf contributer guide
  • This should be moved to the main repository. New task needed.
  • 484

  • Closed. Improvements e.g. in categorization.

Mauricio Vieira

  • 436 Change password form exposes password text in URL as plain tex

  • Closed. Mauricio rewrote the form for updating password.
  • 438 Change passsword form will not submit when user submits a second time

  • Closed.
  • 426 Add user-confirmation on success when submitting Add API Backend form

  • Closed.
  • 497 Move all schema definitions under the global Schemas object

  • Closed.
  • 357 Inform user of API Umbrella errors when submitting API Backends form

  • In progress.

Damir Mustafin

Laura Ekman

  • 489 Promote Community portal on Social Media

    • One Facebook post and one Tweet about the community
    • Laura also modified the icons of badges in Discourse